We haven’t been able to play together as a band for months now. But we have been working on new songs. Our plan is to release a series of EPs throughout 2020 to download or stream on Bandcamp, Spotify, etc. And at the end of the year we’ll compile all the EP tracks, plus some extra new ones, and release as a physical album, for those who still like to be able to grasp their music in a greasy fist.
The first of those new songs are now available. Taken for a Ride is an E.P. featuring four songs from Emperor Penguin, recorded at home and at Highbury Fields Forever during the great lockdown of 2020. It was mixed and mastered by Cameron Lister. It was released on June 14th and it’s available for free download at emperorpenguin.bandcamp.com. Lead track ‘Tuesday’s World’ features guest vocalist, our friend Lisa Mychols. We hope you like it.