This year's IPO compilation, Volume 22, is now available for pre-order on the Omnivore Records home page athttp://omnivorerecordings.com/shop/ipo-22/ and once again it features your very own Emperor Penguin, along with many other fine artists .

Here’s what they say about it on the site:

Omnivore Recordings and The International Pop Overthrow Music Festival are proud to present International Pop Overthrow: Volume 22, a 3-CD compilation featuring 69 tracks by artists from all over the world who have played the International Pop Overthrow festival—along with some who haven’t.

The IPO compilation series goes back as far as the 1998 when Volume 1 was a single disc. Since then, the compilation had expanded to two discs the following year, and then three discs in 2002 for Volume 5, and it has remained a three-disc set through 2019. International Pop Overthrow: Volume 22 showcases artists from 10 different countries, doing just about every sub-genre of pop music, including power pop, pop/rock, folk/pop, psychedelic pop, garage, indie-rock, modern rock, etc., making it one of the most well-rounded compilations available to the general public.

Set the controls for track 15, side 2: ‘Brand New Yesterday’ by Emperor Penguin. It’s a preview from our next album, ‘Soak Up The Gravy’.
